About Us

About Us

We Specialize in helping local businesses save time, cut costs, and make more sales.

POMLIFE Consulting's goal is to help small businesses engage with their customer's quicker & easier to improve overall customer experience to help everyone grow.

We Specialize

in Reviews & Messaging For Local Business

CHATT's goal is to help small businesses engage with their customer's quicker & easier to improve overall customer experience to help everyone grow.

Why People Choose Us


Satisfied Customers


Successful Projects


Average Conversion


Guaranteed Results

Our mission is to

empower businesses to

achieve their goals

We believe the right tools and automation can help improve everyone's life. Whether you are a business owner or the very customer engaging with that business. We've built an all-in-one customer experience marketing platform to help your business with:

  • Reviews
  • Customer Communication
  • Lead Capture
  • Payment Simplification
  • And So Much More!

Ulani Fisher

Peace of Mind Life Consulting was founded by Ulani Fisher a visionary set out on a crusade. She started her crusade back in 2011 helping individuals and families achieve their financial goals with the right resources and education. She realized over the years that everyone she helped personally and even others that crossed her path all had dreams bigger than what they were doing in a job. They were passionate about owning their own business. The problem? They had no idea how to get started or if they did, most entrepreneurs she encountered hit a brick wall when it came to scaling their business and taking it to the next level. That’s where POMLIFE Consulting comes in. We provide the resources and education that all entrepreneurs and business owners (big and small) need to expand to the next level. She is on a true crusade to Expand Minds and Businesses.

We work with people to build their businesses starting from just the idea all the way to increasing their customer base through social media marketing and scaling with automations. We provide the DO-IT-FOR-YOU approach but we don’t stop there. We also provide the DO-IT-WITH-YOU approach; you will have enough knowledge to build multiple successful businesses!!

Our Standards

Being Relevant

We want to help you be relevant so you can serve your customers at a higher level.

Maximum Growth

Our goal is to help give you the tools & resources to maximize your growth.

Positive Impact

We want to help you amplify the positive impact you have in your community.


POMLIFE Consulting's tools give you the ability to perform at your best on all platforms.

Proven Strategies

We execute a diverse set of skills and winning strategies to serve you better.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We strive to bring you the best tools the market has to offer.

Start growing with POMLIFE Consulting today!

Copyright POMLIFE Consulting 2025 -- All Rights Reserved

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.